Monday, February 10, 2014

Clinton, NJ - Week 5, Week 29 Mission

Awesome week here in Jersey. It is so much fun serving and learning out here. Every week feels like ages and at the same time fees like things are flying by. Transfers are already next week. I think we are both staying but we will see. Also that means my district will get shaken up a bit and get some fresh missionaries here in Clinton. Its crazy that it is already February. It hits me every week how short my time is out here. Gets me working harder and harder. So much is going to change in the next 6 months. The mission is starting to get ready for the new President in July. Very excited to be a part of all this.

This past week was fun especially the weekend. We did so much. So every Monday night we have this thing called a cottage meeting at a member's house. Its basically an opportunity for members to invite their friends to come learn about the Gospel. We as missionaries also bring investigators to them. We teach it every week and goes fairly well. We get often random numbers of people every week, but its turning out to be effective. We taught this last one just about the Plan of Salvation. We usually sing songs and stuff too. My companion sometimes sings with his Ukulele. 

Went on my first exchange last week where I was the district leaders in charge. I have probably been on 12 exchanges or so but this was the first where I was giving training to another missionary. It was fun and the Lord blessed me a lot to know how to help him. Being a district leader is fun because I have the opportunity to receive revelation for my district everyday. Whether its helping them set goals, or helping them figure out how to get someone to progress, or planning for district meeting, I get to help them so much. Its a blessing to see how much inspiration we get for those we lead over when we ask for it and seek it.

Its funny how some things are done differently over here in Jersey. For example, we sing a lot of just random hymns in the church meetings that I didn't even know existed. Everything in this  american ward is so similar to home Utah wards, but the culture is different. Its fun to experience it. Don't get me wrong, its the same church, nobody is changing doctrine here, but somethings are just different in a funny way. Sometimes me and my companion will have to sit towards the back or side of Gospel Principles class and Priesthood, because we start laughing at small things that just crack us up. I think we get along too well at times. Ha This past week We went to this family named the Wagstaffs. They were so funny and reminded me of things at back in Utah. We had dinner and the kids were just crazy. There were 4 of them all 16 and younger and just so funny. We were laughing pretty hard. I really think I was sent to this area just so I could learn how to laugh more. Never laugh so hard my entire mission than I have here with Elder Aspinall. Everything is so much better with occasional laughter.

We taught E--- and R--- this last week. Taught them the Restoration of the Gospel. We finished up and invited them to read the Book of Mormon and R--- got a bit defensive and said she is Christian (People don't understand what being Christian means here in Jersey. ) But she got a little defensive and didn't want to read it. We testified strong about it and they both said they would read it. We are praying that they are. We will see them on Tuesday. 

Ed--- is doing well but is working like a champ. He works two jobs, one he only does when it snows. He plows roads or something, but he doesn't have a license so I don't know how he does it Ha. No joke he leaves at 6 AM for one job and gets home at 2 AM from the other. He is home only for 4 hours!!!! Crazy. That is why it made since when he told us he doesn't have time to read the Book of Mormon. We promised him that if he took the time to read, God would help him with his job and work out his schedule. We are also seeing him again early this week. Praying hard that he reads.

Crazy that there still isn't much snow out there in Utah. Thanks for sending the pictures of Souchi and the Olympics. So cool that Sage won the snowboarding slope style. Keeping it real, America. Bummer I cant watch but nothing is better than being here serving a mission. Wouldn't trade it for the world. 

Thank you dad for sending me that loving email. I love the super bowl quote- Why not me?. So good

I love you all. Keep it up. You mean the world to me out here. 
Your son,

Elder Sumsion


Donahoos!!!!!! Thank you for the package of Valentine's day goodies. Thank you for the "celestial" cookies as well. Love you. 

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