Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Jersey City - Week 22 - Happy New Year!

Familia que pasa? 

Happy 2015 family! Feels super weird writing that. I cant believe that a whole 2014 has gone by. But wow some cool blessings for the year already. Snowed in Utah and our investigator J--- got baptized yesterday in just about the funniest and craziest day of church in my mission. Thanks for all the prayers seriously. It was such a special day for all of us. Everything came together really nice. But wow things started off crazy. So our ward got switch to meeting at 2 this new year. 2:00? Who does that. Ha so the English ward is before us. The sisters in the English ward had a baptism and it somehow didn't reach us so we didn't know that it was the same day and so they used the baptismal suits for theirs. So then after their baptism we had to search for a dry baptismal suit for Jesus. Finally found one. Then we sit down in Gospel Principles and Jesus says, "Elders I didn't bring any clothes to change into after the baptism. So we are going to have to do it next week." Man, my heart dropped and we were like ok hermano lets walk to your house right now. Oh man we were flipping out but in the end he said, "No hermanos, fue una bromacita." ha he was just joking the whole time. Ha thats what we get for always being jokesters with him. Ha well everything came together great in the end. So happy to see him baptized and the ward was a huge support yesterday. Very happy day.

FIRST baptism that Elder Sumsion actually got to perform!

We taught I--- and his family last Monday. I love this family so much. They got baptized in June and just my favorite people. So happy I got to meet them on my mission. We taught them this last week about prophets and obedience and then she made us some delicious food and then they wanted to play Apples to Apples with us randomly. Holy smokes its been a while since I played that game. We were all laughing so much. 

Went on an exchange with Elder Davenport this past week. He actually came into our area and spent the day with Elder Bellavance and I. He is so trunky its unreal. Ha he cracks us up. he has like 2 weeks left on his mission. We taught some boss lessons and found a new investigator and a less active. Ate baleadas with him for $3! Thats a steal. Those things are unreal good. Fun to learn from him hear all his mission stories. 

Finally got P---'-ed this last week. There is this family in our ward called the P---. A mom and 5 daughters and their dad is less active and its pretty hard to get into their house because its hard to gain the dad's trust and respect. I've been here for 2 transfer in their part of the area and it was the first time we finally got over. It took a lot of work to get in but we made it and the dad loves us now and he wants to go play soccer with us and have us over more often. Woohoo. Finally. This guy is so amazing but he is definitely missing something in his life: The gospel. It was a big miracle this week.
Such an awesome week. Sounds like Sam is makin bank at his job. I know Brandon Olsen's brother a little bit. He is a good kid. 

Almost a year exactly from when S--- got baptized- Jan 5th that jesus got baptized- Jan 4th. Crazy

Love you all,
Elder Sumsion

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