Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mexico MTC - Week 4!

Our district with the two native training missionaries from Mexico

Hola Familia!

I am doing great though. At times is gets a little slow, but everyday I learn something new and a whole new mindset comes that changes everything. To answer some questions: They did give me some nice leather-bound Spanish scriptures the first day, except I cannot find my Bible so I am going to have to grab a new one on my way out. We dont have much of a choice here at the store. They give us like 100 pesos a week (like 8 dollars) which can actually buy a lot. Most people just use it all on junk food. Its hilarious. Last week we were walking out and this missionary had a bag of proabaly 20 Milkyway king sized candy bars. He said they were for his companion. So funny. I did get all your packages though!  Thanks for all the food in the other, especially those goldfish! Thanks for all the letters too. You have no idea how they can change days for the better. Most others have gotten maybe one or two letters, so sad! Thanks for everything

The weeks are flying by! We are now the oldest district in our zone! Everybody else has less weeks on their name than us. Crazy how fast its going. On Sunday I was getting so excited to leave to Jersey. The same schedule, same food and living in a wall was weighing on me a little. I wanted to go and teach some real people. I was getting anxious. I have praying hard for the desire to work harder and focus harder. It all worked out yesterday because we got to have two mexican missionaries with us in class. Their district left early in the morning so they needed to be with us for a day until they left. They were awesome and we had the opportunity to role play with them. Their Spanish was crazy fast but we actually could understand a lot of it. Their presence helped us talk Spanish all throughout the day. It really gave me a good push. Its crazy how happy and motivated I get when Im speaking spanish as much as possible and working as hard as I can. I love it. And I am so grateful for the next two weeks I get to have here in the CCM to learn more.

Last tuesday night we got to be part of the first live MTC worldwide devotional! It was from Provo and broadcasted live to all of the American and South American MTCs. The rest will watch it later this week. Elder Scott talked about prayer. It was so powerful. I love him because he is so sincere and so gentle. He gave probably the best talk on prayer I have ever heard. He talk about really just talking with your Father in Heaven during prayer. Pour out your heart to him; he is listening and wants to help you. Make sure you give time to listen for an answer. He said you will recieve an answer in three ways: a firm positive feeling, an unsetttling feeling knowing that a decision is wrong, or no feeling at all. But why no feeling at times? It is because Heavenly Father knows you and knows when the right time is to recieve an answer. Dont just wait for an answer but act and look for small packets of light of your answer. God will never fail you, he loves you and knows the best for you. He will always answer. It was such a powerful talk. I really enjoyed hearing the words of an Apostle of the Lord.

The Spanish is coming along so well. At times I feel like a native and at others I feel like it will take three years to learn this. But seriously, the gift of tongues is so real. We were in church on Sunday when a girl was giving her talk in spanish. She was absolutely slaying it. Her Spanish was unreal. It was so good. Its cool how we are able to learn Spanish so fast. I know I still have a lot to learn, but even I am starting to speak Spanish without even thinking about it. Its amazing to really behold the power of God before us.

lets see... Oh yeah soccer has been coming along well! Ill grab a picture of the court we play on. Like I said last week, its all cement and it is a form of street soccer. There are some way good players and some way bad players all on the court at the same time. Its a nice mixure. There was one missionary saturday who was unreal. In all my 14 years of soccer I have never seen somebody so good. He was smaller than me but was amazing. So fun to play though. Its amazing how much easier it is in class to focus when we work out really hard. We have been playing tons of basketball, I have no idea why but that is just one sport that is hard for me to pick up. I am getting better everyday though. We played with some workers here at the MTC. They were probably 30 years old and they were all from Mexico. We played a game of two vs three. We were the three, and they totally whooped us. it was funny, but my skills are improving.

Our lessons are going great as well. We have the same two investigators last week. We have commited both to be baptised. It was hard work to get there. The investigators are both our classroom teachers. One is the morning teacher and the other is the afternoon teacher. One is role playing as a super hard investigator named Lucas, the other is easier named Holly. It was hard with Lucas because we had been working hard for him to read the Book of Mormon and pray to know if it is true. He was not really keeping his commitments. But we have helped him learn more and last week he accepted baptism. So cool, even though its fake for now.

 I have been doing great! So excited for Jersey!!!!!

Your son, with love
Elder Sumsion

Giant moth

The water supply. Each of those are 20 Liters, and about 4 bottles thick to the wall

Typical Breakfast

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